summer haiku d’été – goldfish in flight = poisson rouge qui plane

summer haiku d’été – goldfish in flight = poisson rouge qui plane

Richard Vallance

goldfish in flight
over my own garden pond –
I mirror myself

flying goldfish 620

poisson rouge qui plane 
sur son étang du jardin –
y miroité

Richard Vallance

winter haiku d’hiver – your birthday in Japanese kanji, for Jim Dunlap = ton anniversaire en kanji japonais, pour Jim Dunlap

haiku d’hiver – your birthday in Japanese kanji, for Jim Dunlap = ton anniversaire en kanji japonais, pour Jim Dunlap

I have seen the night
shedding her tears over snow
her full moon mirrors

Jim Dunlap your birthday in Japanese 620

moi, j’ai vu la nuit
verser ses larmes sur la neige
que sa lune reflète

Richard Vallance

The day kanji for the 3rd. day = tears and the 1st. month = moon

Le kanji de du troisième jour du mois, c’est les larmes, et celui pour le premier mois, c’est la lune.   

winter haiku d’hiver – the icy shimmer = la glace qui reluit

winter haiku d’hiver – the icy shimmer = la glace qui reluit 

the icy shimmer
in your crystallized eyes
reflects your death

crystallized eyes 620

la glace qui reluit
dans tes eyes cristallisés,
reflet de ta mort

Richard Vallance

Are people so afraid of death that they cannot stand this haiku? Sometimes I have to wonder...

senryu – a glaring of cats = les yeux lumineux

senryu - a glaring of cats = les yeux lumineux

a glaring of cats
whose night reflects their eyes -
curious yellow

glaring of cats by night 620

la nuit illumine
les yeux lumineux des chats -
jaunes curieux

Richard Vallance  

A group of cats is called either a clowder or a glaring in English.

winter haiku d’hiver – the cat’s azure eyes = les yeux azurés du chat

winter haiku d’hiver – the cat’s azure eyes = les yeux azurés du chat

the cat’s azure eyes
reflecting galaxies
of virgin ice

cat's azure eyes 620

les yeux azurés
du chat, galaxies, images 
de glace vierge

Richard Vallance 

Photos of our vacation in Europe: Prague – the loveliest restaurant in Europe & probably the entire world! B

Photos of our vacation in Europe: Prague – the loveliest restaurant in Europe & probably the entire world! B

Breath taking!

Click on each photo to ENLARGE:

Prague Kavarna Obecni Dum general view from entrance

Prague Kavarna Obecni Dum marble Corinthian columns

Even more to come!

Prague Kavarna Obecni Dum chandelier reflections and window

Prague Kavarna Obecni Dum chandelier reflections & window panes
