summer haiku d’été – lil’ hooded crow = corbeau à capuche

summer haiku d’été – lil’ hooded crow = corbeau à capuche 

lil’ hooded crow
perched on his twig –  
cute as a button

hooded crow Nebelkrähe_Corvus_cornix 620

corbeau à capuche
perché sur sa ramille –
qu’il est mignon !

Richard Vallance

Photos of my lovely and extremely smart Maine Coon mix cat, Argentée,


Photos of my lovely and extremely smart Maine Coon mix cat, Argentée,

throughout her lifetime, 2003-2019. I had to euthanize her on March 14 and it was horrible. All the more so that my sweet tortoiseshell, Daisy, died a natural death on Dec. 28 2018! Argentée was a completely leash-trained cat, who used to go for walks with me for years, and who climbed trees until she was at least 9. She was so smart that unlike most cats, who get stuck in trees when the climb them, she shimmied down trees like a squirrel! Astonishing! She also responded to certain verbal phrases, such as:




Do you wanna go outside? (Trust me, she knew exactly what THAT meant!)
cheese (She loved cheese)



She was by far the smartest cat I have ever known in my life, and was always completely at home on her leash, when we went for walks and when she was in my front yard. Her leash was at least 4 metres long, so she had plenty of room to move around in in my front yard!

And here are her photos, lovely as she was!

PLEASE comment on them!

Romantic senryu – Eastern Boy

Romantic senryu – Eastern Boy

Eastern Boy,
my Russian heart throb – 
how stunning you are!

qu tu es beau ! 620

Eastern Boy,
mon idole russe  – 
que tu es beau ! *

Richard Vallance

I find this young Russian actor, Kirill Emelyanov, from the movie “Eastern Boys” just out of this world! But of course I am crazy about young Slavic men! And the movie is amazing, whether you are gay or not.

La phrase « Que tu es beau ! » est tiré du beau film Eastern Boys.