summer haiku d’été – orcas = orques

summer haiku d’été – orcas = orques

orcas dying off
in yet another straight  –
we’ve done it again!

orcas 620

les orques meurent
dans un autre détroit –
nous, les meurtriers !

Richard Vallance

The orcas, of which only 74 are left in the wild, are facing extinction. We have only to blame ourselves for this horrific mess.  Once again, we humans, being as destructive as we so often are, are killing off one species after another, including elephants, rhinoceres, wolverines and polar bears, to name but a few.

Les orques, dont seulement 74 existent encore à l’état sauvage, sont menacés d’extinction. Cette situation grave est sans doute de notre faute. Encore une fois, nous autres, les humains destructifs, tuent tant d’espèces, y inclus les éléphants, les rhinocéros, les carcajous et les ours polaires, parmi autant d’autres.

POST 1,400: another sonnet of mine, based on the previous 2 haiku in Mycenaean Greek

POST 1,400: another sonnet of mine, based on the previous  2 haiku in Mycenaean Greek:

Never fear


Matthew 14:27
But Jesus immediately spoke to them, saying, Take courage; it is I:
do not be afraid.


The Temple of Bahai’, Tel Aviv, Israel

While you are so afraid of your own life,
never fear for me, for I fear as well
as well as you for every scrap of strife
we shall have all endured by spiting hell:
and it’s just as well, heaven willing earth
shall allow Bahai’ the inspiration
to distance wisdom of our precious worth,
our spirit His, His imagination
ours the “forever Was”,  forever shared
with every single soul, however ill:  
We’ll know the love of God has always spared
us all and embraces us in his Will...
... and it’s just as well I can hear Him spell
     his Word on us to see us faring well.

Richard Vallance,

January 10, 2017

Argentée, my beautiful little cat, has now survived one year since her life-threatening illnesses from Dec. 2015 to June 2016

Argentée, my beautiful little cat, has now survived one year since her life-threatening illnesses from Dec. 2015 to June 2016:

Here are two photos of my lovely little cat, Argentée, who has amazingly survived two dreadful illnesses, first in Dec. 2015, when she had to have 7 teeth extracted and she contracted liver disease. That made her very weak for about two months.  The second serious bout of illness she suffered came in the spring and lasted until June, when I finally figured out that, because she is an outdoor cat (on a long leash, of course) she contracted parasites. She age almost nothing in the spring and she only recovered, and very well indeed, when I administered her monthly doses of antiparisites until December. Her appetite soared, and she now eats like a pig. Still, she does not gain any weight, remaining very skinny. Oh well, so long as she is healthy.  She sure is a tough old gal.



She has lost a lot of weight since then. She used to weigh about 5 kg. when she was younger, but now she is down to half that size, 2.5 kg.! She is so small now she looks like an older kitten rather than the older cat she now is, at age 13 going on 14. Her birthday is in May 2017, when she will turn 14. It sure looks like she is going to make it now.