Haiku: “peri rimeni Aminisi anemo paidio pasi” = “all around the port of Amnisos the wind is everyone’s child”

Haiku: “peri rimeni Aminisi anemo paidio pasi” = “all around the port of Amnisos the wind is everyone’s child”

Haiku of Amnisos in Linear B, ancient Greek, English and French =
Haïkou d’Amnisos en linéaire B, en grec antique, en anglais et en français

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peri rimeni Aminiso anemo paidio pasi

This is the one haiku in Linear B which appeals to my sensibilities more than any other I have composed en Mycenaean Greek. The reason is simple: the Linear B of this haiku, which anyone can read in its Latinized version beneath the original in Linear B, has an entrancing rhythm, a melody about it that truly appeals to the ear, evoking a light sea breeze wafting around the sunny harbour of Amnisos. The language of the haiku is simple and direct. The alliteration, assonance and onomatopoeia are almost Italianate and so very appealing. In a word, I love it.

I elected to use the miniature Minoan frieze of the harbour of Thera, rather than a frieze of Amnisos, for its exquisite beauty.

I sincerely hope you love it as much as I do, and that you will tag it with LIKE. I would also appreciate your comments.

Thank you

Grâce à sa musicalité innée qui se déroule si aisément à travers les lignes, ce haïkou est assurément celui qui plaît à mes sensibilités avant tous les autres que j’ai jamais composé en grec mycénien. La version du haïkou en lettrage latin de l’intégral en linéaire B a un charme tout particulier, une mélodie qui nous hante l’oreille, comme si une brise maritime légère s’élèvait sur le havre ensoleillé d’Amnisos. Son langage est simple et direct. Il y en a une allitération, une assonance et une onomatopée quasi italiennes qui s’y harmonisent si parfaitement. En un mot, je m’en raffole.

Au lieu de choisir une fresque d’Amnisos, j’ai pris la frise miniature minoenne du havre de Thère, grâce à sa beauté exquise.

J’espère donc qu’il vous plaise autant qu’à moi, et que vous l’évalueriez selon sa qualité poétique.  Je serais également reconnaissant de vos commentaires, si’il y en a.



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Historical linguist, Linear B, Mycenaean Greek, Minoan Linear A, Arcado-Cypriot Linear C, ancient Greek, Homer, Iliad, only Blog ENTIRELY devoted to Linear B on Internet; bilingual English- French, read Latin fluently, read Italian & ancient Greek including Linear B well, Antikythera Mechanism

10 thoughts on “Haiku: “peri rimeni Aminisi anemo paidio pasi” = “all around the port of Amnisos the wind is everyone’s child””

    1. Very much so, and I am delighted that he is. He has corrected some of my errors already. I really need help in this regard. We all do. Richard


    2. He most certainly is! I am in dire need of experts like him on our blog, folks who can trip us up on our more glaring errors!

      Good show!



        1. Well, mon ami, naturellement. The TRUTH does not offend, certainly not me. I utterly agree, the more folks there are looking at something, anything, the better. Great philosophy. With an eye to this, as the Cyclops would say… ha, ha!… I would very much like it if you would read my serial translations of The Catalogue of Ships in Book II of the Iliad, and if necessary suggest improvements, add comments etc. … if you have the time. I have yet to post the last 4 serial posts in the Catalogue, but hopefully, I shall be able to do so by April. I LOVE YOUR BLOG. I shall be putting up a DIRECT link very soon, as soon as I can find the time.

          Bye for now. Richard


  1.  Very appropriate as Amnisos is mentioned in the Odyssey in association with the wind although not a light sea breeze!

    There I saw Odysseus and gave him gifts of friendship. For the force of the wind had brought him to Crete as he was heading to Troy bringing him past Malea. He stopped his ship in Amnisos,where the cave of Eilithyia is, in difficult harbours, and he only just escaped the storm.

    ἔνθ᾽ Ὀδυσῆα ἐγὼν ἰδόμην καὶ ξείνια δῶκα.
    καὶ γὰρ τὸν Κρήτηνδε κατήγαγεν ἲς ἀνέμοιο,
    ἱέμενον Τροίηνδε παραπλάγξασα Μαλειῶν:
    στῆσε δ᾽ ἐν Ἀμνισῷ, ὅθι τε σπέος Εἰλειθυίης,
    ἐν λιμέσιν χαλεποῖσι, μόγις δ᾽ ὑπάλυξεν ἀέλλας.

    Odyssey book 19.185

    The Greek in your Haiku doesn’t quite read right (e.g Amnisos in the nominative and accent on the wrong syllable) but it makes up for it poetry.


    1. Hi, my friend. Bonjour, mon ami. We have to very CAREFUL with Linear B. Declensions are very sketchy, and in fact the case is archaic DATIVE, without the preposition EN, ENI in Mycenaean, as prepositions were often omitted… not nominitive at all hence, AMINISI + RIMENI (appositive)… Mycenaean Greek Linear B nominitive sing. AND pl. for Amnisos is AMINISO. Archaic genitive sing. It is AMINISOYO It is extremely difficult to correlate Mycenaean Greek in Linear B with almost all ancient Greek dialects EXCEPT

      (a) inscriptions in Arcado-Cypriot Linear C or in the Arcado-Cypriot alphabet ONLY…
      Mycenaean & Arcado-Cypriot are the two most archaic dialects in ancient Greek, and they are so closely related as to be practically identical. In fact, no two ancient Greek dialects are so intimately related, these two being kissing cousins. Ionic and Attic Greek do not even come close to the affinity we see between Linear B & Linear C.
      (b) the most archaic Greek in The Catalogue of Ships ONLY of Book II of the Iliad, where Homer frequently uses Mycenaean and Arcado-Cypriot, for instance:

      Knossoyo = arch. gen. Mycenaean (Linear B) and ptolis = city – Arcado-Cypriot (Linear C).
      Sorry, I do not know how to insert Greek text into Comments. I hope you can show me how.

      As for your comment on the placement of the acute accent on Amnisos in ARCHAIC Greek, you are right. The accent should be on the last syllable (oxytone). But the Linear B text uses the LOCATIVE in preference to the genitive, which simply would not make any sense in Mycenaean Greek. Not – the port of Amnisos – but rather – all around the port, Amnisos- locative. Hope this helps.

      I shall correct the genitive in the archaic Greek. Thanks!

      IT IS EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO RECONSTRUCT ACCENTS, LET ALONE LONG AND SHORT VOWELS, AS THERE WERE NONE OF EITHER IN LINEAR B OR LINEAR C. So in Linear B & C, E sort of = both short (eta) and long (eita) e in the most archaic ancient Greek dialects, while O = omicron and omega.

      IT IS EXTREMELY INADVISABLE TO TRY TO DERIVE ANY LINEAR B or C vocabulary from anything but the two sources mentioned above.

      Can you PLEASE read my running translation of The Catalogue of Ships in Book II of the Iliad, because you are the only person I know who is a Homer expert. You will clearly see my reliance on Linear B & Linear C for AUTHENTICITY in my translation(s) (q for question mark. French keyboard, cannot make)… The application of my translation, when complete, to the DERIVATION of Derived (D) versus Attested (A) Vocabulary on the tablets. To read my translation, go to Category: ILIAD: Book II

      Cases are largely absent from the tablets, as these are almost exclusively inventories… except for gen. & dat. sing. Think of an English inventory, e.g

      100 kilograms OF wheat
      5 hectares OF land FOR cultivation.

      The tablets were tiny, and so the scribes wasted no space on extraneous cases. And there is far more than just that too. SEE my CATEGORY = SUPERSYLLABOGRAMS – a MAJOR discovery I made in 2014 on Linear B. It is one heck of an eye-opener.

      Love your citation from The Odyssey, where there a very few very scattered instances of Mycenaean or Arcado-Cypriot remnants.




    1. I do think so myself! I just love the way it SOUNDS! Rolls of your tongue like the salt air of the sea breeze, thrills the blood
      and clears the head! I ADORE IT. Yes, I love this fresco. There is something utterly magical about it! Richard


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