winter haiku d’hiver – snow misting the roof = voilé de neige 2007

winter haiku d’hiver -  snow misting the roof = voilé de neige 2007

snow misting the roof
of our warm chalet
while we’re on a stroll

snow misting the roof

notre chalet chaud
tout voilé de neige -
et nous en balade

Richard Vallance

Reprint from Canadian Zen Haiku canadien, ISSN 1705-4508, Vol. 5., no. 1, winter 2007

Canadian Zen Haiku canadien winter 2007

Réimpression tirée de Canadian Zen Haiku canadien, ISSN 1705-4508, Vol. 5., no. 1, hiver 2007

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Historical linguist, Linear B, Mycenaean Greek, Minoan Linear A, Arcado-Cypriot Linear C, ancient Greek, Homer, Iliad, only Blog ENTIRELY devoted to Linear B on Internet; bilingual English- French, read Latin fluently, read Italian & ancient Greek including Linear B well, Antikythera Mechanism