senryu – the unicorn = la licorne = l’unicorno

senryu – the unicorn = la licorne = l'unicorno

fair demoiselle, 
cherish the unicorn...
how he adores you!

belle demoiselle,
chéris la licorne ...
comme il t'adore !

bella demoiselle,
ama l'unicorno
chi ti adora!

Richard Vallance 
Tapestry, The Lady and the Unicorn, woven in silk and wool, Flanders 1500
Tapisserie, La dame et la licorne, tissée en soie et laine, Flandres 1500   

senryu – captive unicorn = licorne captive

senryu – captive unicorn = licorne captive 

captive unicorn,
who will free your soul
to your demesne?

licorne captive ,
qui va libérer ton âme
à ton demesne ? *

* français médiéval pour « domaine »

Richard Vallance

Tapestry, The Unicorn in Captivity (1495-1505), luxuriously woven in fine wool and silk with silver and gilded threads